Page 365 of 365

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December 31, 2014. Page 365 of 365. The last page of the book of 2014. :)

2014 is about to end. Some people may have been lucky this year, yet some are not. However, what matters most are the learning that the ending year has imparted to each one of us. Personally, 2014 has been a roller coaster ride for me but I was able to withstand all the obstacles and be triumphant with all my success.

2014 taught me to:

LAUGH. That whatever comes, be positive with it and just laugh. :)

FORGIVE. I didn't pair it with its common partner, which is to FORGET, since this thing somehow much harder to do. Why forgive? It is to give you that peace of mind as we all welcome the new year.

TAKE CHANCES. I learned that it is okay to take risks. I need to be strong so that people will see it as my strength.

SMILE. That is the best make-up a girl can wear. I learned that smiling will brighten my day. And who knows? Someone may be falling in love with it. :)

CHANGE. It is considered to be the only permanent thing in the world. I learned to change FOR THE BETTER. :) Some changes may be hard, but we have to accept that changes will make me, US, the best person that we could ever be.

CRY. It's okay to cry. :) Cry if you're sad, cry if you're genuinely happy.

IT'S OKAY TO GET HURT. That's life, I guess. It's inevitable. There will be people that will come to our lives to hurt us. And if they do, accept it. What I truly learned about this is that you have to be strong enough so that others won't be able to underestimate you.

LOVE. We have so much to give, only we have to be generous and give it to people who really deserves it. :) Love until you can. Love as if it will be the last.

And lastly....

LIVE LIFE TO THE FULLEST. Enjoy the things that are around you. Love the people that surrounds you. Value life, as God has given you that gift so that you can use it for a purpose. :)

Year 2015... I am ready for you. :) Bring it on!! ❤❤🎉🎉